Internal money

Inside Money

Blockchain based
money system

Who are we, what do we want?

We have been working for almost 5 years to create a model,
to the vulnerability of the world
provide a real solution.

As a result, we created the Bee Community
ecosystem, which is an environment where members,
partners and organisations working together to make it liveable,
make the community sustainable.

Bee, meaning "bee" in Hungarian, because this is the
insect best symbolises the power that the
community means.

In English, "Bee" also means "calaca", to work together
is also an invitation to.
We are convinced that we must return to the idea that the
make teamwork a value again! 
The viability of the Bee ecosystem in the community
depends on the projects and the values shared!

Why it is needed
internal money?

The economic and financial situation in the world
uncertainty at the daily level makes it difficult to
our lives.

This situation is due, among other things, to
it follows that the same means of payment
used for payment, value preservation, or
to repay a loan.

This is a fundamentally flawed solution, since
different - different criteria must be met for
money. It follows that this is the same
money can't do it.

What is the solution?

In our system we have created a solution,
in which money as a means of payment is a store of value,
and loan assets are separated.

A separate blockchain-based tool for each role
we have created.

With this, we can independently manage our finances, our
according to our goals.

All this on the latest blockchain technology,
and developed for mobile phone applications.

Bee Cash (cash):

It is like cash, account money.

It's what you can use daily inside
It is also imported to external exchanges so that it can be converted.

Bee Credit (credit):

If money is needed for the asset token BVL
you will receive a BCR to cover the loan,
you can spend within the ecosystem.

It has a fixed maturity, which depends on the amount
depending on 1, 2, or 5 years.
You must pay it back within the expiry date.

Bee Value (wealth):

It works like a fixed deposit in a bank,
stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, whatever I trust,
to maintain or increase its value.

Against the background of the money paid in, and property, as well as
with operational project coverage.

Bee Cash shopping,

Purchase Bee Cash tokens in the web office
happens, for Usdt tokens.

The purchased Cash token is then added to the
to your own wallet.

Bee Cash token you can buy from the inside
products available in the ecosystem, and
services in the Bee Market.

Bee Value shopping

With Bee Cash we can calculate Bee Value, i.e. wealth
to buy tokens, at the current exchange rate. At
the amount received is kept in a blocked account, or
we invest. This gives the internal monetary system
and guarantees an increase in the exchange rate
and its yield. The collateral is cash, gold, usd,
and projects that generate extra profit.

The projects involve the purchase of real estate,
we build production plants, we create
housing units for community housing.

Investments for members up to 100%
are transparent.

Credit token use

If internal money is needed for the Asset
you can borrow a Loan Token to cover a token,
for a one-off fee of just 5%.
The Credit token can be used for internal
ecosystem, while the remaining
assets generate token returns.
This way, we do not lose the profit on the Asset token,
which is formed by the increase in the exchange rate, for this
Loan tokens must be repaid before the maturity cycle
at the original exchange rate.
After repayment, the outstanding Loan
tokens become collateralised, so you can convert Cash

Credit token crediting

If repayment is not made, the
tied up Asset token collateral from the borrowed
amount will be credited at the original exchange rate.

This will transfer the hedge money to the loan tokens

Credit tokens in circulation after crediting
become collateralised and can be converted to Cash tokens.

Bee Cash for sale

A Bee Cash, as the ecosystem is convertible
your token can be withdrawn, i.e. sold on the crypto exchange
(on a relay).

The Cash tokens offered for sale will be deposited into the draft and then
convert to USDT

Fixed at a 1:1 exchange rate.

Bee Credit redemption

For purchases made with Bee Credit, the acquirer must
the option to redeem before the expiry cycle.

We then redeem the Bee Credit for Bee Cash for 5%,
which can then be sold on the crypto exchange.

The redeemed Bee Credit is blocked until the end of the cycle,
and then burn it.

What makes the Asset Token grow
exchange rate?

  • Project gains
  • Block - Ticket
  • Saving
  • Pre-saving
  • Direct purchase
  • Block - Ticket
  • Saving
  • Pre-saving
  • Project gains
  • Investments, gold
  • Cash Coin redemption

Why not reduce the
exchange rate?

  • The Asset Token is backed by real collateral.

  •  Savings in Asset Tokens
    stored in.

  • The extra energy produced in the system
    for profit worth a fortune in tokens
    to buy, so the money is constantly
    inflow. The inflow is automatically
    raises the exchange rate.

  • Real physical property and productive project
    assets whose value is constant, or
    is growing.

  •  If liquidity is needed,
    not to spend the savings, but
    A credit token can be taken out.

Block ticket

Rate of benefit over 24 months:

The total amount received at the end of the term:

If it's right for you,
start the program

Add to basket

The Bee Community Ecosystem
communication, and
educational partner of the
information platform.

Join our community for free:Click here

The Bee community ecosystem, and the
a developer of products:

Wanderhouse LLC.

Address: 1931 CORDOVA RD # 1012 FORT
LAUDERDALE, Florida USA 33316

  1. (company registration number): L20000161035
  2. (tax number): 35-2694117



Who are we, what do we want?

We have been working for almost 5 years to create a model to provide a real solution to the vulnerability in the world.

As a result, we have created the Bee Community Ecosystem, an environment where members, partners and organisations work together to make the community a liveable and sustainable place.

The reason Bee, meaning "bee" in Hungarian, is because this insect best symbolises the power of community.

In English, "Bee" also means "calaca", to work together
is also an invitation to. We believe that we must return to the idea that the
make teamwork a value again!

The viability of the Bee ecosystem in the community
depends on the projects and the values shared!

Why it is needed Community internal money?

The closures of the Covid-19 epidemic and the tensions of war are taking their toll. Insecurity, high social expectations and the need to conform have led to skyrocketing civilisation diseases such as allergies, panic disorder and depression!

What is the solution?

In our system, we have created a solution in which money as a means of payment, a store of value, and a means of credit are separated.
For each role, we have created a separate blockchain-based tool.

This way we can manage our finances independently, according to our goals.
All developed using the latest blockchain technology and a mobile phone app.


Bee Cash (cash)

It is like cash, account money.

This is what you can use on a daily basis in the internal market.
It is also imported to external exchanges so that it can be converted.

Bee Credit (loan)

If money is needed to cover the BVL of the asset token, you will receive a credit token BCR to spend within the ecosystem.

It has a fixed term of 1, 2 or 5 years, depending on the amount. You have to pay it back within the maturity period.

Bee Value (wealth)

Its operation is like a fixed deposit in a bank, a share, a bond, real estate, gold, which I trust to maintain or increase its value.

Backed by the money paid in, and property, as well as a working project backing.

Fund transactions

Bee Cash purchase, deposit

Bee Cash tokens are purchased in the web office for Usdt tokens.
The purchased Cash token will then be added to your wallet.
With Bee Cash tokens you can buy products and services available in the internal ecosystem at Bee Market.

Bee Value shopping

With Bee Cash you can buy Bee Value, an asset-type token, at the current exchange rate. The proceeds are then stored and invested in a locked account. This provides the backing for the internal cash system and guarantees the growth and yield of the exchange rate. The collateral is cash, gold, usd,
and projects that generate extra profit.

Projects include buying up property, building production plants and creating housing units for community housing.

Investments are transparent for members up to 100%.

Credit token use

If you need internal funds to cover the Asset Token, you can borrow a Loan Token for a one-off fee of only 5%.
The Credit token can be used in the internal ecosystem while the remaining assets generate token returns.
This way you do not lose the profit on the Asset Token, which is the result of the increase in the exchange rate, but the Loan Token must be repaid at the original rate before the maturity cycle.
After repayment, the outstanding Credit Tokens become collateralised and can be converted into Cash Tokens.

Credit token crediting

If the repayment is not made, the value of the amount borrowed will be credited to the Asset Token collateral at the original exchange rate.

This moves the collateral money behind the loan tokens.

Once credited, the Credit tokens in circulation become collateralised and can be converted into Cash tokens.

Bee Cash for sale

Bee Cash, as a convertible token in the ecosystem, can be withdrawn, i.e. sold on the crypto exchange (bill).

The Cash tokens offered for sale are deposited into the bill of exchange and converted into USDT

Fixed at a 1:1 exchange rate.

Bee Credit redemption

When purchasing with Bee Credit, the acquirer also has the option to redeem before the expiry cycle.

The Bee Credit is then redeemed for Bee Cash for 5%, which can then be sold on the crypto exchange.

The redeemed Bee Credit is locked until the end of the cycle and then burned.

What makes the Asset Token grow the exchange rate?

  • Project gains
  • Block - Ticket
  • Saving
  • Pre-saving
  • Direct purchase
  • Block - Ticket
  • Saving
  • Pre-saving
  • Project gains
  • Investments, gold
  • Cash Coin redemption

Why not reduce the exchange rate?

  • The Asset Token is backed by real collateral.

  •  Savings in Asset Tokens
    stored in.

  • The extra energy produced in the system
    for profit worth a fortune in tokens
    to buy, so the money is constantly
    inflow. The inflow is automatically
    raises the exchange rate.

  • Real physical property and productive project
    assets whose value is constant, or
    is growing.

  •  If liquidity is needed,
    not to spend the savings, but
    A credit token can be taken out.


Block-Ticket Programme

Rate of benefit over 24 months:

The total amount received at the end of the term:

If this works for you, start
the programme

Add to basket

The Bee community ecosystem's communication and awareness partner is the information platform

Join our community for free:Click here

Developer of the Bee community ecosystem and related products:

Wanderhouse LLC.

Address: 1931 CORDOVA RD # 1012 FORT
LAUDERDALE, Florida USA 33316

  1. (company registration number): L20000161035
  2. (tax number): 35-2694117