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It is possible that many of these questions will be answered as you move forward.

If you have any questions, please send them to us and we will discuss them!
I recommend you view the following videos and subpages in order.
There are several short training videos to help you through the process, and some longer training videos to help you understand the project.
After you have looked through the starter page, please go to the advanced page!

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Novalus Prime: Mosaic project simple description

Novalus Prime: Description of packages

Novalus Prime: Fresh full presentation

If you would like to have a personalised referral website system like this with your own link, let us know at!
The system and content are constantly being developed and updated.

The Novalus Prime system will focus on building community by providing a decentralised solution for switching between coins. For this reason, the organisers have put a strong emphasis on providing more motivational opportunities for those who want to tell their friends about this special project.

Benefits of Novalus Prime packages

You can work with an active referrer on our referral line. If, for example, we don't want to learn everything, but would like to share the project with some friends, just out of goodwill, we can discuss it with our active recommender. Our friend will join via his link, he will help you to join, he will answer any questions you have, he will help you to continue working, but he will place you in our binary team. He will get the direct bonus, but we will also be eligible for the binary bonus. If someone does not have an active referrer but would like this scheme, please let us know ( and we will be happy to help.

Official Hungarian marketing plan
Official English marketing plan

Here you can get help with registration, payment, transfer and shopping.


Videos to help you use the system

Novalus Prime:

For those of you who sign up for Novalus Prime, remember that you must tell the Referrer and manually place it that week, otherwise the system will put it away!

registration and verification

USDT purchase by credit card

Novalus Prime:
USDT deposit and parcel purchase

Novalus Prime:
Codexa Staking

If you're new to the world of cryptos, you'll benefit from an explanation of some of the new concepts.



What is a blockchain?

How to imagine the blockchain? Laci loves Kati and tells her so. But later Laci denies that she ever said such a thing. The blockchain is imagined in such a way that when Laci tells Kati that he loves her, this information is communicated to 10,000 people. This way Laci cannot deny later that he told Kati that he loved her. So there is data in the blockchain and it is not stored in one or two places, but in 10,000 places. When the data is in one place, or only on a few servers, it can be falsified, either from the inside or by a hacker attack. What makes the blockchain and the data stored in it unforgeable is that it is not copied on a few servers, but on 10,000 servers. If data on some servers were to be forged, the other servers would not approve. In the traditional world when we transfer money to each other it is between accounts, this is not the case for bitcoin blockchain. When we say that Pali transfers 1 Bitcoin to Peti, the Bitcoin is not actually moving between wallets. The Bitcoin remains in the same place on the 10.000 servers as data, only the information that Peti is now the owner of that 1 Bitcoin and not Pali is authentically recorded in the blockchain.

What is cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency (or cryptocurrency) is digital money that uses cryptography (i.e. encryption) to make payments secure. Most cryptocurrencies are decentralised, which means that they are not run by a central bank or company, but are distributed across users' computers. The technology used for this is blockchain, which allows a database of transactions to be stored on multiple computers in a secure, non-tamper-proof way. The first and best-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many others like it. You can send or receive money in cryptocurrencies in the same way as in other currencies, but the transfer is usually cheaper, especially if you need to move money between countries. Unlike a traditional bank account, cryptocurrency is usually not linked to a specific person, so there is no way of knowing who owns it. Source.

Coin, Token, what's the difference?

What is a pre-token?

The term pre-token refers to a crypto payment instrument that is exchanged for another crypto payment instrument over time. In Novalusprime's system, this means that until the complete Mosaic blockchain is completed, including its payment Mosaic coin, Mosaic pre-tokens are put into circulation and use. Once the blockchain has been launched, the pre-tokens are converted into Mosaic coins according to specific rules and are then withdrawn.

Centralised and decentralised networks

Decentralised networks are not under the control of a single individual or company, but operate as a peer-to-peer network, which means that all the computers (full nodes) in the network store the distributed data. If a node or participant goes down, the network remains operational. Hacking decentralised networks is not a very profitable venture, as each participant in the network has a copy of the data, so that fraudulent data can be checked immediately and fraud can be detected immediately. In centralised networks, a single person or company controls the blockchain network. Users are vulnerable, dependent on the controllers.

What is trustless?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, there are basically two ways to conduct different transactions. There are custody solutions and there are trustless solutions that do not require central custody. In practice, this means that while users have to deposit their money with the service provider to use a centrally managed platform, in a trustless system the user's money remains in his or her own wallet at all times and no one else has access to it. In the case of a custody platform, an additional risk to customers' money could be a possible hacker attack on the provider, or if the provider goes bankrupt, customers' money could be lost. Trustless systems, on the other hand, do not require any trust on the part of the customer, as there is no handling of money by the provider, as the users' money remains in their own wallets at all times. In this case, the service provider only provides the technical background for the users to carry out a transaction.

What is the pool

In Novalus Prime, the pool is used to group pre-tokens. A pool will contain a certain amount of pre-tokens from week to week. Users are given access to each pool based on their privileges. In practice, this means that they decide which pool they will receive pre-tokens from each week by purchasing a package. The specific weekly amount of pre-tokens they receive depends on how many people are entitled to a share of that pool. The weekly pool of pre-tokens will be distributed equally among the eligible participants.

What is staking?

Staking means that a participant who holds a certain amount of cryptocurrency commits the amount of cryptocurrency he or she holds for a certain period of time and validates transactions depending on the amount of cryptocurrency held. Stakers essentially help validate and verify the blockchain transactions, which is done by validators. Therefore, the networks reward these investors with interest on the cryptocurrency deposited!

What do we call a validator node?

The mosaic blockchain will work on a "pos" consensus basis, and to achieve decentralised status, it needs validators who deposit a certain amount of coins and run their validator nodes. The more validators there are, the more geologically dispersed they are, the more decentralised the system is, the more reliable it is. The validators of the mosaic blockchain will be provided with the company's pre-configured machines, which will receive a steady stream of newly circulating mosaic coins once they are installed. Two types of validator status are distinguished on the mosaic blockchain. One will operate on the basis of a "pos" consensus and the other on the basis of a "dpos", i.e. delegated proof of stake consensus.

What is POS?

Proof of Stake is the consensus algorithm used by cryptocurrencies to authenticate transactions. With the Proof of Stake algorithm, there are no miners using high-powered computer chips to mine cryptocurrencies, but rather blocks are created by people randomly selected by the system. The selection is based on the amount of cryptocurrency they own and the length of time that the money has been in the possession of the selected person. The Proof of Stake algorithm has the advantage of using less energy, making it cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

What is DPOS?

A Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is a cryptocurrency governance mechanism where participants elect delegates by voting, who then certify the blocks on behalf of other participants. Some cryptocurrencies use the Proof of Work (Bitcoin) or Proof of Stake algorithm (Dash). Delegated Proof of Stake is the third type of consensus algorithm. In the Proof of Work mechanism, anyone can join the network as a verifier if they have the means to mine it. With Proof of Stake, anyone can produce blocks if they have enough of a given cryptocurrency. Delegated Proof of Stake is a little different from the other two algorithms. In this case, only the selected verifiers can create a new block. They are called "witnesses", they make the network secure and they make sure that no one spends twice. Anyone who has all the coins can participate in voting for witnesses. There is no minimum amount to vote, but the votes of participants count in proportion to the amount of coins they have. In the case of EOS, for example, there are 21 witnesses (delegates), who are selected by EOS holders to approve transactions. If the witnesses do not behave properly, they are removed by the voters. Participants are encouraged to become witnesses as they are paid for their work. Cryptocurrencies that use the DPoS consensus algorithm are capable of executing thousands of transactions per second.

We offer the possibility to participate in online training courses and events.



1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT: Every Tuesday 20:00-21:00

Live Zoom meeting every week about the project at the link below:

2. RECOMMENDERS MASTER CLASS Every Thursday 20:00-21:00

Live Zoom meeting every week for those who are serious about referrals. This meeting is only cancelled if there is a START PICTURE that week.

3. RECOMMENDERS MONDAY CALL Every Monday morning 9:00

Each week a short pre-Zoom meeting for recommenders on the weekly updates.

4. START PICTURE Usually on the first Saturday of each month 10:00-15:00

For those who need more in-depth knowledge.

Our developers: International team led by Hungarian. With outstanding knowledge, experience and awards.


Attila Vidákovics

He teaches blockchain at two universities, goes to the Hungarian National Bank to train them, and also trains bankers appointed by the banks. You could say that he is one of the leaders of blockchain development in Hungary.
He is a Mensa member and leads the development team of the international Mensa community.

Péter Molnár

He previously worked in the security engineering part of the banking sector, and from there he progressed to the top in blockchain development and programming.
He is the lead developer in the team. He coordinates the international development teams.


Public appearances

Professional conferences, awards

Centralised or decentralised?

Where is the world heading?

Mozaik - Can cryptocurrency also be a solution in times of war?
(2022-05-22) - NEWS TV

eFinance & FINTECH Festival
2022 Matild Palace awards ceremony

Professional references

Real world-class projects