Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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If you want, you don't even have to pay the account opening fee!
In the past, too, everyone was mainly concerned about how to avoid the account opening fee. Currently, the contract opening fee is the contract amount 1%. This is required to be paid together with the first monthly savings amount when the contract is opened.
If you pay a little more attention, you can even avoid an account opening fee if...
We have summarised this for you:
The account opening promotion announced by Erste is available from 2 May 2023 until its withdrawal. It is worth taking advantage of this as soon as possible, as the account opening fee discount can be cancelled at any time.
You can start an Erste home savings account for HUF 0, i.e. without paying an account opening fee, under three different promotions.
- Opening a new bank account: if you open a HUF retail bank account with Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. at the same time as signing the home savings offer, you will not have to pay the new home savings contract conclusion fee.
- Quantity offer: if you sign up for a home savings offer with a monthly savings amount of HUF 50,000, you will not have to pay the new home savings contracting fee.
- Mortgage or baby loan promotion: if you have taken out a mortgage or baby loan with Erste Bank before signing the home savings offer or at the latest within 9 months after signing the offer, you will not have to pay the new home savings contracting fee.
From 2 May 2023, it will again be possible to start an ERSTE Housing Savings Account with this interest bonus. At the moment, a lot of people are doing so. Unfortunately, we do not know for how long you can start a home savings with such positive conditions, so we recommend you to sign up as soon as possible.
This subsidy is not provided by the state, nor has the state taken away the subsidy that was previously received in addition to the savings of customers who already had LTPs. Only new contracts have not been covered since the end of October 2018. This support is provided by ERSTE Lakástakarek.
This is an important question because in the previous "state-subsidised" home savings scheme, for example, you had to provide proof of a renovation with an invoice after spending. Now, however, you only have to declare how you will use your savings, including the interest bonus.
Fortunately, this is no longer linked to a tax number, so you can have several home savings contracts. Currently you can choose between HUF 20.000 - HUF 50.000, but you can start more if you want.
The National Deposit Insurance Fund "OBA" insures your savings up to €100,000. This savings amount is per home loan.
Previously, the majority of customers started their LTP contract for 10 years, but now 10 years is not an option. Now the maximum term is 8 years, which means you can lock in the 30% interest bonus for 8 years with your home savings.
Can a government bond or a home loan yield more with an 8-year term?
For regular savings with a term of 8 years, the Hungarian National Bank expects that the government bond is no better than the Erste Lakástakarék product.
The MNB's inflation expectations for the coming years:
- 2023: 17.3% (PMÁP: 15.5%*)
- 2024: 4.5% (PMÁP: 18.5%*)
- 2025: 3.0% (PMÁP: 5.5%)
- 2026: 3.0% (PMÁP: 4.0%)
Based on the MNB's inflation forecasts, LTPs could outperform inflation and even inflation-linked government bonds from the third year onwards.
EBKM 6,14%.< available at Erste Lakástakarek (with special account opening fee).
*PMÁP = Premium Hungarian Government Bond
Can we use the money we put into a government bond or home savings before maturity?
The "public offer" of government securities is clearly worded:
"Redemption, Redemption: the Premium Hungarian Government Bond will not be redeemed by the Issuer before maturity. Repayment of the principal amount of the Premium Hungarian Government Securities will be due in one lump sum at maturity."
For home savings:
If you need your 8-year savings before 4 years, you are entitled to your own savings, but not to an interest bonus. If you opt out of the 4-year term, in that case you can already claim the 15% interest bonus, but if you pay your savings for 8 years, you can take your savings with the full 30% interest bonus.
You don't have to open a bank account, but if you can't participate in the other promotions, it's definitely worth it, as you can avoid the initial account opening fee. The initial account opening fee is the contractual amount 1%.
Example: with 8 years of monthly savings of 40.000 HUF, this means 118.000 HUF. This is the amount you can save.
Yes, you no longer need a "free tax number" to start a savings account, so you can have several savings accounts.
To receive the interest bonus on an 8-year product, you must pay the interest on your savings for at least 4 years. If you pay your savings for 4 years, you are already entitled to an interest bonus of 15%. Of course, it is worth waiting 8 years to get the 30% interest bonus credited to your savings.
The "public offer" of government securities is clearly worded:
"Redemption, Redemption: the Premium Hungarian Government Bond will not be redeemed by the Issuer before maturity. Repayment of the principal amount of the Premium Hungarian Government Securities will be due in one lump sum at maturity.
For home savings:
If you need your 8-year savings before 4 years, you are entitled to your own savings, but not to an interest bonus. If you opt out of the 4-year term, in that case you can already claim the 15% interest bonus, but if you pay your savings for 8 years, you can take your savings with the full 30% interest bonus
Yes, you can withdraw your savings tax-free and transaction tax-free, including the interest.
From 01.06.2023, an additional tax has been defined for most savings in addition to personal income tax. For interest earned on savings from June onwards, many savers will be required to pay an additional social contribution tax of 13% on top of the PIT 15% interest tax on savings.
Savings in housing savings are not affected. Housing savings are exempt from Soko and VAT, i.e. no tax is payable on the profit.
The contractual amount includes the deposit placed until the end of the term, the interest credited to the deposit, the amount and interest of the interest bonus that the Housing Savings Bank may receive as a subsidy, and the optional housing loan. The housing loan can be taken out at the end of the term if the customer decides at the end of the contract that he needs it, but is not compulsory.
During the term of the contract, the deposit and loan interest rates set in the contract remain unchanged, i.e. the Housing Savings Bank cannot unilaterally change the rates during the term, so you know exactly how much money you will have accumulated at the end of the term, including interest, when you start the contract and even know at what interest rate you can borrow if you have the opportunity to take out a home loan at the end of the term.