Modular house, container house or prefabricated house: an alternative construction overview with practical information
With property prices spiralling out of control, prefabricated houses, modular houses and container houses are increasingly being proposed instead of traditionally built houses. What and how can be built in Hungary today, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and how good are the different types of buildings from an energy point of view? An alternative housing landscape from Világgazdaság.
Lightweight, prefabricated, modular and containerised houses are increasingly being discussed as an alternative, quick and cheap solution to traditional houses by those who are planning to build. Typically, the recent runaway construction costs and due to the property price boom many are looking for alternative solutions. A new addition to the issue is the energy price explosion, which has multiplied the demand for energy-efficient, economical houses.
On the subject of building houses differently from the usual, we asked Árpád Borka, member of the board of the Hungarian Association of Environmentally Conscious and Assembled Technology Companies, and development manager of Kp Sales House Ltd., who has been involved in the production and construction of sustainable houses for a quarter of a century.

Source: Energy Friend Home
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