Walipini - A greenhouse buried in the ground can bring happiness

Source: www.sokszinuvidek.24.hu

Only in fairy tales is there a perennial plant, where you can harvest fresh fruit every day of the year. Or is it? We can all have one in our own gardens, and quite cheaply too. The key word is walipini.

Originating from the South American Indians, the walipini is a combination of greenhouse and cellar, combining the positive qualities of both. It can be used to take advantage of the insulating properties of the cellar, i.e. the earth, to cool in summer and heat in winter. But because the roof is transparent, it can also benefit from the sun's light and warmth for the growing plants. The problem with greenhouses is to heat them in winter and, where necessary, cool them in summer, but with the Walipini, nature solves this, or at least helps it to do so, keeping the temperature more balanced in all seasons.



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